
Sustainability – for YOU and your BUSINESS

In general, sustainability begins by thinking about what kind of future we are leaving for the next generation. By Doris Valade, Business & Leadership Coach, The Malabar Group Inc. Kermit the Frog said it best around 2008: “It’s not easy being green!” As a society, we’ve been talking about greenness

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Im the boss

The Boss has been Fired!

By Doris Valade, Business and Leadership Coach, The Malabar Group The Boss has been Fired!! Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.  Simon Sinek, Author and Inspirational Speaker In 1982, when I first started my business, the business owner was

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photo source: Unsplash – Scott Graham

Ready, Set … Sell!

Every business will reach the point when it’s time to sell. The sale may be to another family member, to employees, or to a party outside the company. As the business owner, the decision will be one of the biggest of your career, so make sure it’s not a quick

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I don’t need a business plan!

Article by Doris Valade, The Malabar Group Inc. “I don’t need a business plan!” I had my own business for over 30 years, but 10 years passed before I did my first written business plan. It was the best thing I ever did for myself and the growth of my

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sales person

Your Best Salesperson is not a Who, it’s a What!

By Doris Valade, Business & Leadership Coach, April 2021 Fourteen months in and the pandemic continues to affect the way we do business. As a business owner, you faced many challenges through 2020 and this continues in 2021. At first, the big question was “will my business survive?” As vaccines

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